Monday, March 22, 2010

Artist #13 - 3.22.10 - The Baschet Brothers

While looking for art that deals with music I came across the Baschet Brothers. They create thing that are musical instruments as well as sculptures. I like the idea of these things that look interesting on their own and can be discovered as being musical and interactive. It inspires me to want to make some of my own musical instruments. I have thought of this before, but not in the context of being sculptural as well. I think it would be difficult to achieve something that looks appealing but also sounds good. It is an art all in itself to make an instrument so that it plays in key and has tuned harmonics. Unfortunately my computer is currently out of service and the sound doesn't work on the one I am using so I haven't been able to listen to the sounds the Bashet Brother's instruments make. I am very curious though, it's always cool to hear something with an unusual timbre. I played a didgeridoo over break which is a very unique instrument, but very simple. It is mostly a percussion instrument, these don't necessarily need to be tuned so perhaps if I were to make an instrument it would be a percussive one to eliminate the necessity for fine tuning, I could just focus on resonance. Here are some of the Baschet's pieces:

Francois Baschet

Banjo - 1952

Baschet Brothers - Cristal Baschet

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