Monday, April 12, 2010

Artist #19 - 4.12.10 - Diego Stocco

Today Paul showed me a video in our meeting of a guy playing a tree like an instrument, I was very impressed and so I decided to do my artist blog on him. His name is Diego Stocco. He is a sound designer/composer, and has worked on a variety of popular films, TV shows, and video games. He has also done sound design for patches on popular keyboards like the Korg Triton series. I know he's not really a visual artist but his work does pertain to mine in that mine is about sound and also his methods could be very useful to me, in my music as well as my art. I was noticing the types of microphones he uses to record his sounds, some of which were unfamiliar and intriguing. In "Music From A Tree" he uses a stethoscope at one point, and in "Music From Sand" he uses what looks like some sort of metal stick that somehow picks up sound. His use of super-amplified sounds is really interesting to me, things that don't seem like they really make much noise can become big, full sounds. As if you are suddenly very small, where sounds like rustling sand becomes as loud as an avalanche. Here is his website and some videos of his work

Music From A Tree, Diego Stocco, 2009

Experibass, Diego Stocco, 2009

Music from Sand, Diego Stocco, 2009

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