Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Artist #3 - 2.8.10 - Brian Eno

Brian Eno

Since my latest piece is dealing with a sort of transient minimal ambiant type of music, I wanted to talk about Brian Eno. He was one of the pioneers of minimal and ambient music so naturally, I should have a listen to him as one of the firsts. I have his album, Ambient 1/Music for Airports and from what I have heard, his work is very similar to the sound the I am looking for in this particular piece. It is very airy and open. The first song is most like what I am looking for, with a sort of sauntering piano accompanied by some long triumphant pads. Even though this album has plenty of silence, I feel I want even less driving the song foreward, or fewer, but more intense segments of instrumentation. I do like how the songs stay true to their themes; they focus on a certain melody and allow different instruments to carry that melody, lead into or out of it, branch off from it, and sort of hammock it as well. It seems the most important thing is that the melody can stand on its own in the void that is created by the silence. It doesn't leave the listener waiting for more, it is acceptable simply to be let be and contemplated upon before it begins again and continues. Eno's music theory is very complex which is kind of discouraging, but as far as theory goes, I rely on the colors in the photograph to decide that. I am really only taking notes on Eno's style, which is what I will need to understand in order to accomplish the vibe I am looking for.

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